Manage Citations¶
The Citations section is where bibliographic references can be added for publications that use any of the studies in the catalog. These citations can be linked to particular studies in the catalog and are displayed to the users of the system in the study information view of the relevant study.
Citations are added from the Citations menu.

- To add a citation - click on All citations then click on the Add New Citation button at the top right.

- Compete the form including the indication as to whether the citation should be published or not.
- Then expand the Related studies link to tell the system which studies the citation “belongs” to.

- Click on the Attach studies link. This reveals a list of all studies in the catalog.

- Select the relevant studies by clicking on the green Select button.
- Click on the apply filter button to save the changes. The study now appears in the related studies box.

- Click on the submit button to save the citation.
- Note: the flag, keywords and notes fields can be used by administrators to place extra notes only visible to other administrators that might prove useful when there is uncertainty about a citations appropriateness or accuracy.
- It is also possible to import citations in common citation formats such as BibTex and EndNote (RIS).
- To do this use the Import Citations link from the top menu

- Paste the BibTex or RIS text into the form and then at the bottom of the screen click on Attach studies to link the citation to a particular study in the catalog.

- The citation now appears in the citation list as well as on the study information page for the relevant studies.