Upgrade from NADA 4.x to 4.2¶
The patch includes a subset of files changed from version 4.x to 4.2. Download the patch - Download the patch http://www.ihsn.org/download/nada42.1-patch-APR-24-2014.zip
To apply the patch, follow the steps:
- Make a backup of your existing NADA folders. If complete backup is not possible, at least back the “Application” and “Themes” folder
- Unzip the files in the NADA root folder to replace existing files
- Set write permissions on the language folder located at /application/language. This is needed for the upgrade script to update language files with new translations.
- Run the upgrade script from http://[nada-url]/index.php/nada42_upgrade/run
The patch does not overwrite the settings for database, config and template configurations.
4.2 Change log
The update includes the following fixes:
- Email settings can be setup using a config file instead of using the site configurations
- User passwords are hashed using a stronger encryption
- Updated Licensed Data Access administration page to filter requests by status type and increase number of requests listed on the page
- Added support for bulk requesting licensed datasets
- Added page for creating bulk data access collection on the site administration under studies menu
- Misc. formatting enhancements for the licensed access request forms and email messages
- Replaced CI SMTP library with PHPMAILER
- Misc. bug fixes for Manage study page
- Fixed double download counts for data file downloads
- Moved DDI|RDF under the tab “export metadata” on the study information page
- Excluded PDF documentation, DDI and RDF downloads from study download counts to make the download counts consistent with the study download reports
- Updated tab labels on study infor page for data dictionary and study description and re-arranged tabs to make the external resources the default tab
- Fixed: Sorting is not remembered on browser back button for data catalog search page
- Fixed: On data catalog page, sometimes country selection dialog box shows up empty/blank
- Fixed: Refresh DDI changes the study ownership to ‘default’
- Fixed: Batch refresh ddi assigns the study to ‘DEFAULT’
- Updated variable information display: re-arranged elements to move categories list under literal question
- Fixed: Country mappings page does not work on IE [/admin/countries/mappings]
- Added a link to fix country mappings page [/admin/countries/mappings] on countries index page
- Updated: Replace DDI would not allow replacing a DDI with the same ID.
- Fixed: On Manage Study page, data access types filter resets on page navigation
- Fixed: On Manage Study page, page size resets on searching
- Fixed: On Manage study page, dilters reset to none if user navigate to see more results
- Fixed: Tags are not deleted on deleting a study
- Added field/element “translated title” on study overview tab
- Added field/element “Questionnaires” on study data collection tab
- Added field/element “Version notes” on study overview tab
- Renamed section “Access policy” to “Data Access” and updated formatting for the data access page
- Updated: All fields from the Nesstar “IHSN 1.6 EN” template are displayed in NADA
- Added: No captcha option to show no captcha on register page if image or google recaptcha are not available
- Fixed: On copy studies to collection page - search does not work
- Fixed: Dashboard shows wrong number of studies with no questionnaires
- Fixed: Batch import DDI does not import all RDF entries
- Fixed: Duplicate external resources are not imported
- Fixed: Reset button missing from the variable search on study description page
- Fixed: PDF generator shows a blank page and does not generate a PDF
- Removed carousel from the home page by default and can be enabled by editing the home page file.