The DashboardΒΆ
After logging in to the Site Administration with administrator credentials the user is taken to the dashboard.
The Dashboard provides a quick glance summary for administrators to get an overall picture of what has been happening on the site as well as what pending tasks are outstanding for the administrator.

- Menu link to the Dashboard
- Menu link to the Study Management pages, submenus include: Manage Studies, Licensed requests and Manage Collections
- Menu link to the citations management pages
- Menu link to the User management pages, submenus include: All users, Add user and Impersonate User
- Menu link to create menu pages for the site frontend
- Menu link to generate usage reports
- Menu Link to the settings pages, submenus include: Settings, Coutries, Regions and Vocabularies
- Useful navigation links, submenus include: Change Password, Log out, Catalog Home, Data catalog, Citations
- This section lists all collections in the catalog. Within each collection a summary is given of the number of studies along with diagnostics related to the number of studies publishedunpublished, missing questionnaires, data access types set but with no data attached as well as some buttin links to Manage the collections, studies, users and a History of changes made to the collection
- Provides a summary of users, registrations and number of users currently logged in.
- Show how many pages are being cached on the site with a link to clear the cache if need be.
- Show a list of recently added or updated studies. Clicking on a study in the list takes you to the page to manage that study.